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Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer KG, GCB, GCMG, KBE, DSO

After a distinguished career in both the WW1 and WW2 where he became one of the youngest Generals in the British Army, he was given the dubious job of Director of Military Government in the British zone of war torn Germany. In October 1951, High Commissioner Gurney of Malaya was assassinated by communist guerrillas. Gerald Templer was sent out by the British Government to take over as High Commissioner and for the next four years he organized the defence of Malaya and then the total collapse of the communist guerillas. In the period of wars with the communists in South East Asia, this was one of the few occasions where the  communists were totally beaten. His nickname became Templer Tiger of Malaya and I believe that he is well remembered in Malaya to this day

Gerald Templer became Chief of the Imperial General Staff of the British Army, the highest position in Her Majesty's Armed Forces.

1938 to 1939

General Staff Officer 2 War Office

1939 to 1940

General Staff Officer 1 British Expeditionary Force, France


General Staff Officer 1 Macforce, France


Commanding Officer 9th Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment

1940 to 1941

Commanding Officer 210th Independent Brigade

1941 to 1942

Brigadier General Staff V Corps


General Officer Commanding 47th Division

1942 to 1943

General Officer Commanding II Corps


General Officer Commanding XI Corps

1943 to 1944

General Officer Commanding 56th Division, Italy - North Africa


Temporary  General Officer Commanding 1st Division, Italy


General Officer Commanding 6th Armoured Division, Italy



1945 to 1946

Director Allied Military Gov'nt British Zone of Occupation Germany

1946 to 1948

Director of Military Intelligence, War Office

1948 to 1950

Vice Chief Imperial General Staff, War Office

1950 to 1952

General Officer Commander in Chief Eastern Command

1952 to 1954

High Commissioner & Commander in Chief -  Malaya

1955 to 1958

Chief Imperial General Staff, War Office

A very good biography of Sir Gerald Templer is written in "Templer Tiger of Malaya"
by John Cloake
ISBN 0 245 54204 3 although I suspect it is out of print. I have seen copies for sale on Ebay

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