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Stover Templer Family

The Stover side of the Templer family originated from James Templer I of Stover who made a fortune building docks for government as part of the expansion of the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars.

James’ son James II of Stover took over the estate on the death of his father and this was passed down to his son George Templer of Stover.

James’ second son, John Templer of Lindridge married Jane Line, the widow of a family friend and he obtained Lindridge Park

George had a number of children with his mistress Ann Wreyford and each of these children were placed into good positions or married to respectable husbands. One son, Henry obtained work in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and his offspring have become ‘The Ceylon’ Templers

James I of Stover had another son called George Templer of Jungpore who with his father’s help made a fortune in India where he was appointed the Factor and Contractor of Elephants. From these two Georges comes the branch of Stover Templers.

Stover Templer Tree